Well it has been awhile since I have posted - working 14 hour days takes up a lot of time.
I thought I would rant today about Starbucks! While I do love my morning Java, it’s the people who frequent the ‘Bucks that have me in a huff. Why Oh Why Can’t they MOVE OVER! You order and stand to the side of the bar  but NOOOOOO most people decide the barista will work faster if they hover in everyone's way. So when your drink is called, they are in your way. What about the coffee station area -with the sugar, creamer and etc. People love to stand in the middle here as well. HEY IDIOT -MOVE OVER to the SIDE for OTHER PEOPLE CAN FIX THEIRCCOFFEEOFFEEE! I especially love the people who sprinkle a little cinnamon, stir and taste- OVER AND OVER AGAIN. You would think they know how much to sprinkle!
OK, I am going back to my coffee now..................
I just find it amazing that to order the beverage, you have to tell them you want it large in 3 different languages. tall, venti, grande? Its all large dangit!
Hope work has lightened up a little for ya!
Since its never just me, I rarely ever get to go to Starbucks anymore. Too much work fighting with the idiot people and keeping my kids from running wild. We have a drive-thru in the works over near us & I can't wait...that's more my speed.
I find our drive-ins are idiots and I of course have to have my coffee just so- Venti Iced Decaf Americano no water 3 splendas and cream.
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